Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Home Sweet Home Study

Hello friends!  I have posted several snippets about our adoption home study, and I have finally carved out a little time to write a more cohesive update.

As I mentioned in my last blog post in October, we planned to start our home study in the new year.

We have several small projects to complete before the home study, and we have tackled half of them so far.  We have some more child proofing and painting to do, as well as setting up the baby's area.  I have had a lot of anxiety about finishing these tasks, but I am definitely seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

I e-mailed and our case manager on December 29 (exactly three years since we started the process) to check in about her timeline.  Much to our surprise, she asked us to start immediately.  We submitted our initial paperwork between January 5 and 9.  The paperwork will take around a month to clear.  Once the paperwork clears, we will schedule a date for our formal home study.  Our case manager estimates that will take around a month.  If all goes according to plan, we will be in the "active pool" of families by mid March.

On January 19 and 26, Wes and I will attend full day adoption classes with Lutheran Family Services.  We both look forward to taking the next step forward in this journey.  We have so much to learn and it will be great to connect with other families.

For now, please pray for us.  I definitely need prayer for my anxiety about the process.  Wes could use prayers for better sleep.  James has a mix of excitement and nerves, so please pray for him through this transition.  Thanks for being with us on this adventure.